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SolidState Nederlandse Divisie


An online community of like minded gamers who gang together to play cooperative games such as GTA, DC Universe Online, The Elder Scrolls Online and the soon coming Star Wars Battlefront and Tom Clancy's The Division without in game matchmaking pairing you with annoying immature traitors that shoot you in the back rather than work together. Our AWESOME website is designed to provide gamers with a main hub of communications in the games SolidState are involved in, including our own "Live Crew Chat" (one for every game). The chat feature was created for a central communication location for all gamers in a particular game whilst playing instead of spreading messages across facebook, twitter, playstation messenger, xbox messenger, rockstar social messenger... etc. try it out, its very useful! on apple devices you can even "add to homescreen" and make it into a chat app on your phone!

We began as a crew on grand Theft Auto 5 but have no become a global gaming community.


to visit our other divisions in different coutries simply click the flags at the bottom...



SolidState Gaming Community - Founded Sep 17, 2013

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